Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Environment and Global Warming Essay

Global warming has been a major problem for the last one decade or so all over the world. The climate is changing and the temperatures on the earth surface are warming up as a result of increase in amount of green house gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide emitted into the atmosphere. Global warming is defined as an increase in the average earth’s temperatures which as result leads to a change in the overall global climate. The impacts of global warming are quite diverse and they include ecosystem instability, a rise in sea level, increase in pests and diseases, health problems, loss of environmental beauty due to extreme weather conditions such as floods, hurricanes and so fourth (Abarbanel et al. , 2002, 22-23, 57-63). Global warming has been found to be mainly caused by human activities resulting from over reliance on fossil fuels as a source of energy which increase the green house gases emissions into the atmosphere. Research has also shown another side of global warming whereby, air pollutants emitted by fossil fuels are responsible for making clouds to reflect more sun’s rays back to the space. This effect is known as global dimming and it leads to less light reaching the earth surface. This global dimming is responsible for causing droughts due to lack of rain especially in the Northern Hemisphere and it also camouflages the actual effects of global warming leading to their underestimation (Abbot et al. , 2000, 159-176). The effects of global warming on the environment are very dangerous and expensive and all the governments in the world agree that something must be done. In this respect, the united nations have come up with a framework convention on climate change which is responsible for coming up with agreements such as the Kyoto protocol among others. The Kyoto protocol is an international agreement passed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate (UNFCCC) back in 1994 which was aimed at addressing global warming and climate change issues all over the world. This agreement sets targets for all the industrialised nations in the world which they are expected to abide by in order to reduce the amount of green house gases emitted by those industries located in the respective nations. This protocol is considered as the greatest agreement reached by members of the United Nations which is bound to protect the environment and ensure sustainable development. How a national policy can help to address a global problem. National policies have a great role to play in tackling major national and global challenges such as climate change, globalisation, sustainable energy needs and so forth. The solutions to such problems require innovations which are able to see beyond the problem awareness and come up with solutions aimed at lessening their environmental and economic impacts on a long term basis. Such issues more often than not require the implementation of a national policy which will address the problem both nationally and internationally. A policy is meant to ensure that the problem is addressed from a central point of view and that all the concerned parties are speaking in one voice. An example of a global problem which is currently causing major concerns in the whole world is global warming. Although its effects are largely felt in the industrialised countries, the overall effects of climate change are evident in all nations because the pollutions emitted in one part of the globe quickly disperse to all other parts of the globe (Hay 2002). With growing concern on this problem of global warming and carbon pollution, a national policy for sustainable development is essential to address this problem and come up with rules and regulations aimed at controlling the emission of carbon pollutants and other green house gases into the atmosphere. To effectively address the effects of global warming and climate changes, all the world governments must come up with national environmental policies, efficient technological strategies and invent new sources of energy which are cleaner and more sustainable. Unlike common environmental policies such as the ones set by the United Nations and other world organisations, national policies created by individual countries focused towards addressing a certain global problem are bound to be more effective because such measures are bound to achieve abatements which are in line with the national interests at the lowest national costs possible. For instance, to address the issue of global warming, Australia has come up with a three-pillar national policy aimed at reducing the amount of pollutants released to the atmosphere by its industries and as a result, the government has had to make some economic reforms which are favourable to its economic stability in order to accommodate this policy (Miller & Tyler, 1987, 19-23). Australia’s national policy in addressing global warming Australia has been vulnerable to climate changes and severe repercussions of problems associated with poorly designed policies aimed at addressing this issue. An intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a report in 2007 indicating that the Australia’s average climate is expected to change by about five degrees by the year 2070 due to the high rate of emission of GHGs in the country unless the government finds a quick and lasting solution to this global threat (Steger et al. , 2004, 33-46). Such a temperature change is bound to affect the ecosystems, energy resources, population health, agriculture, tourism as well as other sectors of the nation’s economy. Some of this effects to human beings and ecosystems are already being felt due to an increase of about 0. 9 degrees in the annual average temperatures. This effects prompted the government to facilitate the Garnaut climate change review in June and ratification of the Kyoto protocol on 3rd Dec 2007 as a way of demonstrating the government’s commitment to addressing the global warming and climate change all over the world. By agreeing to the Kyoto protocol, the Australian government has expressed willingness to pay the price for carbon reduction as a way of dealing with global warming. The Garnaut review focused on examining the climate change and its effect on the nation’s economy and has come up with policies and policy frameworks aimed at improving sustainable development. The draft report produced after this review presented a detailed examination of the climate change and its implications on Australia as a single nation. Following the Garnaut draft report indicating that the impacts of global warming and climate change in Australia are expected to be greater than those experienced in the other developed countries, the government has decided to come up with a climate change policy to ensure a safer society, a more stable economy and less climate changes in the future. This policy is focused on addressing three major issues. That is; †¢ Reducing the amount of green house gases emitted by industries in the country. †¢ Adapting to those impacts of climate changes which can not be reversed or changed. †¢ Contributing to the achievement of a global solution to the problem of global warming. (Milutin, 2003, 42-56) The Australian government using this policy has introduced an emission trading scheme and a framework for carbon reduction which will help to reduce the GHGs emission by up to 60 percent by the year 2050. A reduction in the national GHGs emission will put Australia in a better position to influence the international communities in working towards a low carbon environment (Julian, 2003, 495-503). In addition, the Australian government is committed to promoting an industrial policy aimed at facilitating investment in cleaner, greener and more sustainable energy resources and increasing the economic opportunities in the country. This industry policy has helped to develop comprehensive strategies which include local content rules and purchasing policies to provide long term solutions to climate change (Derek, 2002, 115-120). According to the environmental policies set by the Australian government, the environmental standards for its industries are set very high in order to restrict them from releasing pollutants to the atmosphere (Migeotte, 2002, 519-520). The Australia’s domestic policies are bound to affect the international credibility and the ability to acquire a global solution to global warming. The long term national target which is meant to reduce the emissions by about 60 percent before the year 2050 places the total global effort and carbon pollution schemes in a better position to achieving a solution to the worldwide problem and thus, this national policy is a step in the right direction. Conclusion Global warming presents a great environmental, social and economic challenge which requires urgent attention from governments all over the globe. The Australian government has done a lot to show that it is committed to eliminating this global problem through establishment of an environmental policy and ratification of the Kyoto protocols established by the United nations framework convention on climate change. This has greatly assisted the country to reduce the amount of GHGs emission and carbon pollutants into the atmosphere leading to a cleaner environment and it has helped to address the global problem at large. This shows that the use of well implemented comprehensive national policies can help to adequately address global problems such as global warming. References Abarbanel, Albert, and Thomas McCluskey (2002). â€Å"Is the World Getting Warmer? † Saturday Evening Post, 1 July, pp. 22-23, 57-63. Abbot, Charles G. , and F. E. Fowle, Jr. (2000). â€Å"Income and Outgo of Heat from the Earth, and the Dependence of Its Temperature Thereon. † Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory (Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC) 2: 159-176. Miller, G. Tyler Jr. , 1987. Living in the Environment. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 19-23. Steger, Will and Bowermaster, Jon, 2004. Saving the Earth. New York: Bryon Preiss, 33-46. Adem, Julian (2003). â€Å"Experiments Aiming at Monthly and Seasonal Numerical Weather Prediction. † Monthly Weather Review 93: 495-503. Ager, Derek (2002). The New Catastrophism: The Importance of the Rare Event in Geological History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 115-120. Migeotte, M. V. (2002). â€Å"Spectroscopic Evidence of Methane in the Earth’s Atmosphere. † Physical Review 73: 519-20. Milankovitch, Milutin (2003). Canon of Insolation and the Ice Age Problem. Belgrade: Koniglich Serbische Akademie, 42-56.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Tragedy and the Common Man in Hamlet

Katelyn Stoll Professor Hall English 102 11 November 2009 â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man† in Hamlet Arthur Miller notes that, â€Å"The tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one thing—his sense of personal dignity† (1). This characteristic seen in most tragedies is definitely evident in the character of Prince Hamlet in Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. The moment that Hamlet learns from the ghost that Claudius has committed regicide, his goal becomes clear: he has to avenge the death of his father by murdering his uncle. Hamlet could not stand idly by while the assassin of his saintly father had an affair with his mother Gertrude and lied to the people of Denmark. However, Hamlet’s tragic flaw prevents him from taking action quickly. During the course of the play, the prince notes that he has yet to perform any action against his uncle Claudius, and he wonders why this is. The character of Hamlet is prone to reasoning and long soliloquies, not action; this, in my opinion, is his tragic flaw. The apparition of the late Hamlet informs his son that Claudius, the current king of Denmark, poisoned him. Upon hearing the news, Hamlet is enraged and swears to take revenge against his usurping uncle. Almost immediately he is ready to lay down his life to correct what has been done, and he now has a â€Å"†¦willingness to throw all he has into the contest, the battle to secure his rightful place in his world† (3). It is at this moment in the play that Hamlet takes on the role of the familiar tragic hero and acts accordingly. He was displaced from the life that he knew and loved and was not awarded with his rightful position in society. Hamlet should be the king of Denmark if what the ghost told him is true; not only is Hamlet not the king of Denmark, but also his mental health is constantly being called into question. He is losing ranks in society awfully quickly, and part of Arthur Miller’s definition of the tragic hero is that the hero strives to evaluate himself justly. His tragic flaw does not allow him to regain his personal dignity, however, and Hamlet becomes frustrated over time because of this. He either takes too much time thinking everything through, or he reacts impulsively and violently when the situation does not call for it. This is seen when Hamlet accidentally stabs Polonius to death, thinking him to be a spy. His tragic flaw is not knowing when or how to act aggressively, and it really costs him in the end. According to Miller, â€Å"For, if it is true to say that in essence the tragic hero is intent upon claiming his whole due as a personality, and if this struggle must be total and without reservation, then it automatically demonstrates the indestructible will of man to achieve his humanity† (4). He argues that the tragic play has a lot more to offer the spectator than just a sad or unfortunate ending. Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet concludes with the deaths of Gertrude, Laertes, Hamlet and Claudius. The point of this play, however, is not that four people died, but that Hamlet was finally able to avenge the death of his father. Although this was not a perfect victory for Hamlet, he was able to attain his goals, and this demonstrates the will of man (even the common man) to secure his sense of personal dignity. The thrust for freedom is the quality in tragedy which exalts† (3). The conclusion of Hamlet is both a wonderful and depressing one. In one sense, Hamlet is not a tragic hero, because he was able to overcome his tragic flaw and slay Claudius. In another more realistic sense, however, he perfectly fits the description of the tragic hero because he does not live long enough to see the benefits of his actions. Hamlet is never able to evaluate himself justly, and that was his main objective. In the tragic view the need of man to wholly realize himself is the only fixed star, and whatever it is that hedges his nature and lowers it is ripe for attack and examination† (3). Hamlet perfectly adheres to the definition of the tragic hero of Arthur Miller, because of his need to regain his personal dignity, his tragic flaw preventing him for achieving this, and a tragic ending in which his goals are never realized. Works Cited â€Å"Tragedy and the Common Man by Arthur Miller. † Home Page of TheLiteraryLink, Dr. Janice Patten. Web. 02 Dec. 2009. .

Monday, July 29, 2019

Human growth and developement 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Human growth and developement 4 - Essay Example My parents may be loving and supportive but when house rules are broken which includes curfew during weekdays (which is often broken) I am usually grounded. My parents may be smiling when they caught me making excuses but rules are rules and I am still grounded. I understand the reason why they do it and so I gladly accept it. 2. Discuss the ways in which social skills are affected both in the short-term and long-term by child maltreatment. Please feel free to give examples from your own observations in nursing and/or personal experiences. Children who experience maltreatment tend to be abusive with their relationships also. For them, abusive treatment of people is acceptable because they themselves have experienced it. Their emotion are not usually fully developed and they do not respond well to stressful situations. In extreme situations, they are likely to give in and being such, typically labeled as emotionally unstable. Gfroerer, Kelly P.; Kern, Roy M.; Curlette, William L.; White, JoAnna; JonynienÄâ€", Jolita (2011). Parenting  Style and Personality: Perceptions of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents.   Journal of Individual Psychology,  

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Conduct a literature review of studies to analyse the basis of human Assignment

Conduct a literature review of studies to analyse the basis of human sexual orientation - Assignment Example ave given sufficient explanations to the prevailing male and female characteristics, people still need to be made aware of their particular sexual orientation and how this information can enhance their functioning in life (Weiss, 2007; Weiner, 2004). Sexual orientation can be defined as the lasting personality that enables people to incline to their feelings of romance or sexual appeal to other people of the matching sex, gender, or both (Scherer, 2013; Hopkin, 2004). The romantic or sexual feelings that are subsumed by these people can be classified as being heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual (Biegel, 2010). However, it is important to understand that there are people who do not experience sexual feelings or attractions to people of the opposite sex, these people are said to be asexual. The above-listed categories, including asexual orientation, are part of the wider concept relating to sexual identity in human beings. In reference to APA, sexual orientation can be described as an individual’s judgment of his identity, which is determined by the attractions, other related behaviors as well as being a member in a group of people that share similar attractions. This is a different term that is said to overlap largely with the concept of sexual orientation. An individual that is said to identify himself as being bisexual distinguishes himself from another person simply by the fact that he had made a choice. For instance, a person that is bisexual may have preference for certain sex in place of another and go ahead to fulfill his â€Å"desire,† in this case, the main determining factor in sexual preference is the element of choice. Scientists, in their numerous researches, have failed to give any conclusive evidence about why and how one exhibits certain sexual orientations compared to another. However, several theories that have been grounded on biological research reports explain that sexual orientation is largely influenced by genetic factors. At the

Product Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Product Marketing - Essay Example Brand awareness consists of brand recognition and brand recall. The former relates to consumers' ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand when given the brand as a cue. The latter relates to consumers' ability to retrieve the brand when given the product category, the needs fulfilled by the category, or some other type of probe as a cue. The management of Beijing brand awareness will play an important role in potential sponsorship decision making for three major reasons. First, it is important that potential sponsorships think of Beijing brand when they think about Olympics games. Second, Beijing brand awareness can affect decisions about brands in the consideration set, even if there are essentially no other brand associations. Finally and the most important, Beijing brand awareness affects sponsorships and consumers decision making by influencing the formation and strength of brand associations in the brand image. A necessary condition for the creation of a brand image is that a brand node has been established in memory. On the other hand, related to brand image, it is defined as perceptions about a brand as reflected by the brand associations held in consumer memory. Likewise, brand associations are the other informational nodes linked to the brand node in memory and contain the meaning of the brand for sponsorships and consumers. Based on the proposal of Keller (199... Based on the proposal of Keller (1993), marketing team of Beijing Olympics games has to consider three major categories of increasing scope: attributes, benefits, and attitudes. The attribute category is related with the features that characterize the Olympics games. Likewise, attributes are categorized in product-related and non product-related. The former is defined as the ingredients necessary for performing the product or service sought by consumers. The latter is defined as external aspects of the product or service that relate to its purchase or consumption. The four main types of non-product related attributes are: price information, packaging or product appearance information, user imagery (e.g. what type of person uses the product or service), and usage imagery (e.g. where and in what types of situations the product or service is used). In the case of management Beijing brand focused on sponsorships, marketing team has to put emphasis on user imagery. Associations of the typical sponsorship of Beijing Olympics are based not only on demographics aspect but also on psychographics. User image attributes can also produce brand personality attributes. Plummer (1985) assets that one component of brand image is the personality or character of the brand itself. Consequently, potential sponsors will expect to form part of a brand which is composed by sponsors of their same "personality" (e.g. brand image of the sponsors). The benefit category is the personal value consumers (in our case sponsorships) attach to the product or service attributes, that is, what consumers think the product or service can do for them. Benefits can be distinguished into three categories

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Summary of Recent Research 7 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Summary of Recent Research 7 - Assignment Example The data available for the study consisted of the clone types, and the different months during which the measurements were taken. The signed rank test was settled for since the distribution of the data sets could not be established using the normal parametric tests. The researchers avoided making assumptions on the data since they could not establish its distribution. The difference in metal (aluminum) content in the wood was found to be significantly different from zero. The median change from August to November (3.1 micrograms Al/g wood) is significantly different from zero (W=16, P=0.040) (McDonald 2009). By the difference in content being significant, it implies that there was significant variation in concentration between the times of the year when the two measurements were taken. Han, X. et al. (2011). Metabolomics in Early Alzheimer’s Disease: Identification of Altered Plasma Sphingolipidome Using Shotgun Lipidomics. Lipidomics in Alzheimer’s Disease. Vol 6. Issue 7. p. 7. Nishiumi, S. et al. (2012). A Novel Serum Metabolomics-Based Diagnostic Approach for Colorectal Cancer. Metabolomics for Colorectal Cancer. Vol. 7, issue 7. p. 4. Plichta, S. B., Kelvin, E. Munros Statistical Methods for Health Care Research. Statistical Methods for Health Care Research. (6th edition). (2012). Smith, G. L. et al. (2012). Association Between Treatment With Brachytherapy vs Whole-Breast Irradiation and Subsequent Mastectomy, Complications, and Survival Among Older Women With Invasive Breast Cancer. The Journal of the American Medical Association. par 17.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Movie Volcano 1997 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Movie Volcano 1997 - Essay Example should have taken charge because he was the director of EOC and the situation required the center to take over control since none of the other departments were equipped to handle an emergency. Moreover, a team should have been developed that contained representatives from the departments being involved with Lee Jones heading the team. When Lee Jones came to know about the gas leak, he went to the site to inspect the damages himself. He started asking questions and demanded answers for the gas leak. He also proposed that the metro station be shut down for the safety of the public. He even went underground to investigate further without gaining proper access. The experts should be allowed to investigate further because they would analyze the seriousness of the issue. The experts have more knowledge about the issue. They would also be able to provide information on the flow, intensity and impact of the disaster. This would then help the Emergency Operations Center to be better prepared for the emergency. They would devise better plans based on the report by the experts. Assistant OEM Director took over command after the incidence at the subway train occurred. Before this, he was not willing to accept that an emergency of such big proportions was going to impact the state. However, after the incidence at the subway station, he had no choice but to take notice of the situation. The seriousness of the volcano was felt when the lava was seen for the first time just before the incident near the LA Brea Tar Pits in the subway train. An entire train derails and Lee Jones is present to witness the calamity with this daughter. Before this, the movie was building up for this scene where steam rising from the concrete led Dr. Barnes to conclude that a volcano was building. However, even then, the depth of the calamity was not understood. This happened only when casualties occurred in the form the train passengers and the onlookers. He called the OEM center and asked his

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The CCPI, ICCS, FutureGen Project and FutureGen 2.0 Project Essay - 233

The CCPI, ICCS, FutureGen Project and FutureGen 2.0 Project - Essay Example It was established to retrofit an existing Illinois coal plant and ensure carbon dioxide emission reduction by 90 percent. The project aimed at massively reducing carbon emission by utilizing safe pipeline technology to ship carbon dioxide and permanently store it underground in a designated storage site located near Ashland (Folger, 2012). FutureGen projects were viewed as the solution to ensuring clean future while using dirty fossil-fuel plants, thus received enormous backing from potential private investors to boost the clean technology. However, numerous challenges rocked the project and would never let it reach its maturity stage and deliver the much-anticipated results of reducing the emission of carbon dioxide by 90 percent. According to Folger (2012), one of the challenges that led to the failure of the FutureGen projects is increasing production costs. The existing technologies for capturing carbon dioxide did not cost cost-effective in the dimension of giant power plants ( Folger, 2012). Another challenge that led to the failure of FutureGen projects was development issues surrounding the project and inadequate incentives for private investors to venture into the projects. The sluggish development in the projects, both new and old, can be attributed to the laxity on part of the private investors to inject their finances into the project. This is because private investors were risk averse, especially because of the uncertainty surrounding the future of the projects and high project costs (Folger, 2012). According to Marxa et al. (2007), uncertainty makes people wary of the future. It was a huge challenge to secure funding from the private sector to meet the increasing cost of the project. Time constraint was also a major challenge for successful implementation of the project that was proving to be over the budget and competition from other countries made the project appear less feasible.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

INTOSANA GmbH internship report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

INTOSANA GmbH internship report - Essay Example During this year’s internship program, I was assigned to help in developing the marketing strategy of the company especially through online marketing promotion. In addition, I was tasked to perform a market analysis on a specific target group which turned out to be a vital source of information for the company. With these accomplishments, I did not only able to fulfill my duty as an intern but also contributed to the overall growth of the company. In fact, during the entire internship period, I was able to help them get 15 more clients through my work in marketing strategy. Having worked for eight hours a day in two months, I have fully performed my task and prepared to document my working journey. As such, the purpose of this paper is to primarily recount my internship experiences at Intosana GmbH – my role in the company, the contributions I have made, and the lessons learned from the internship experience. First, the description of the organization will reveal the co mpany’s organizational structure and the role I played in the company. From this, an analysis of my experience will showcase my learnings in business and management. Lastly, I will present a personal evaluation of my experiences to showcase my insights about the entire experience. As a nursing care service facility, Intosana GmbH is a company that primarily provides home care service to the elderly. Having started its operation only in November 2010, the company envisions to expand and to improve its services in Berlin and eventually all over Germany. The company’s growth revolves around its mission which states that it aims to willingly provide assistance and advice to its clients. On its website, the company promotes its reliability by providing â€Å"all levels of care† and cooperating with doctors, pharmacists, medical suppliers, and other service providers to meet the needs of its clients. Moreover, the company prides itself in having a nursing team that is â€Å"qualified, reliable, friendly, and motivated† to assure the clients of round-the-clock service, attention, and care. Specifically, it provides basic care such as meal preparation, pulse checks, washing and catering service. It also provides domestic assistance such as cleaning the client’s residence and home visits by doctors and medical personnel. Aside from medical care, it also organizes services such as contact with support groups, newspaper services, emergency call service and physiotherapy. According to the company, the selection process for their staff involves an emphasis of both technical and interpersonal skills that will contribute to the company’s growth. Also, these qualities are expected to boost the teamwork within the staffs and groups in the company. Additionally, it believes that every employee has â€Å"an independent personality† which means that the company deals with its staff individually. The company further emphasized its s taff being â€Å"courteous and friendly† to its clients. This is mainly attributed to Intosana GmbH’s belief that it treats an individual as a whole, and not as a sick person. My Work Description For two months, I worked eight hours a day at Intosana GmbH from March 1 up to April 30, 2012. My work task involves helping the company improve and develop its marketing strategy to attract more clients and expand its operation in Berlin. Specifically, my role

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Fear and Indifference Reinforce Oppression and Individual Courage Essay

Fear and Indifference Reinforce Oppression and Individual Courage - Essay Example Fear and indifference reinforce oppression that creates social inequality; ending it starts with firm individual convictions that begin like a flame before burning across the society it wants to change. When people fear to protect the oppressed or to fight because they are oppressed, they are reinforcing oppression through silently allowing it to continue in their society. Wendell Steavenson interviewed women who both represent or vilify women rights. Hend Badawi participated in the Tahrir Square to depose Mubarak and his repressive regime. Though she is a good example of a person who fights for her rights, her conservative family punished her for her activism. Steavenson quoted Mona Eltahawy, a feminist writer, who said: â€Å"The regime oppresses everyone, but society represses only women†. Society oppresses women, not only by participating on socially stigmatizing and physically and emotionally hurting women who fight for their rights but also by remaining silent on their p leas. Silence can be accompanied with fear, like those who no longer pressed charges against the police for physically and sexually harassing them through public virginity tests. By not talking about their fears and fighting their oppressors, they are strengthening the resolve of their oppressors to treat them as second-class citizens. Alex Ross talks about another gender issue, this time, the fight for gays’ demand for equal rights and freedoms. Gays in the 80s were afraid to come out because of discrimination and violence against them.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Renaissance & Erasmus Essay Example for Free

The Renaissance Erasmus Essay The Renaissance was a period of great change, characterized by a revision of many concepts and the birth of many ideas. One of the greatest scholars of this time was Desiderius Erasmus. He was born in Rotterdam, Holland. His birth name was Gerrit . He attended the school of the Brothers of the Common Life at Deventer after which he joined a monastery, the Augustinian college of Stein near Gouda where he stayed for six years. He was ordained to the Catholic priesthood at Steyn at about the age of 25, but he did not last in the priesthood for long. Later, he became a personal secretary of the Bishop of Cambrai. His experience working for the church made him aware of the many evils that plagued it. He was a great critic of the church and its leaders before and during the reformation. It has been said by many that Erasmus was one of the few humanists who left a lasting mark in the history of human kind. His fearless criticism of the manner in which the church handled various issues prepared people for the subsequent work of another humanist and reformist, Martin Luther. Erasmus was a traveler. He lived in many places in Europe at different times. He had lived in Rome, Paris, England, and many other European countries. He was also a theology scholar and a writer. He published the Greek version of the New Testament in Latin, so that Europeans could read it. Thesis Statement This paper examines the humanist actions of Erasmus and his contribution to the history of the Christian faith. Literature Review As a great humanist in the 1500s, Erasmus wrote many books which were widely read all across. His ideas and criticism of the Church was therefore heard throughout Europe. He preferred reasoning to bloodshed, unlike many others of his time. While he did not criticize the Church as much as Luther had, he did call for an end to the corruption and a great many other evils which had seeped to the core of the Church. Erasmus was a renowned writer of his time. One of his greatest works include ed The Praise of Folly, a satire which pointed out major problems in the clergy, depicting monks as beggars, the clergy as being greedy. He also made reference to the pope saying that he had no resemblance to the apostles. He also wrote a short satirical skit in which Pope Julius II had trouble getting into heaven. This kind of writing earned him considerable hostility in the church, but then, this kind of courage also helped the church. Some of the subjects he attacked were superstitious religious practices and the vanity of Church leaders. One such superstition was the sale of Indulgences by the Church, which its leaders sold in order to raise money for building projects. Indulgences were supposed to reduce the time a sinner would spend in purgatory. Erasmus felt that this was an abuse of priestly power. He was against the idea of people praying to the Saints instead of God, because he recognized that salvation came only through Christ. His goal was to promote basic Christian values. Erasmus was accused of being only a specialist in grammar and rhetorician, not a theologian, and some modern scholars have shared that same sentiment. Recent scholarship has been more agreeable to the view that Erasmus was in some sense a theologian even if not a systematic one. Erasmus was, to be sure, a rhetorician, but one whose rhetoric was â€Å"in service of his theology and whose rhetorical theology thus reveals some truths that would otherwise remain hidden†. Erasmus is known today as a great 16th century pacifist. He used his gift of writing to preach peace. He felt that war was senseless since it only caused destruction and death. He rebuked those who engaged in war he saying that they had no greater morality than beasts. According to Kreis, Erasmus stands as the ‘supreme type of cultivated common sense applied to human affairs’. He rescued theology from the lack of creativity of the schoolmen, exposed the abuses of the Church, and did more than any other single person to advance the revival of learning’. In the sixteenth century when literature was used to conceal the truth about a number of issues, Erasmus admired and despised by both Catholics and Protestants, by both liberals and radicals; but according to theological scholar, Abraham Friesen the theological views of Erasmus can today reconcile Evangelical and liberal Christians. Methodology I collected my information through book and article research, most of which came from the internet. I also interviewed two theologians on what they thought about Erasmus. Data Analysis The data I gathered was mostly from books and articles. I found out that Erasmus work elicited a lot of ill-feeling among Christians during the reformation, with many clergy accusing him of pioneering the reformation that led to the split of the church. However some scholars point out that the church began appreciating the work of Erasmus later in his life. One of the people I interviewed said that although Erasmus was much hated for his criticisms against the church, his work proved to be beneficial to the Christian faith, in that he was able and courageous enough to pinpoint the evils in the church. Thus, he gave the church a reason to examine and reform itself. Results The method of data collection was limited to book research and interviews. These were not enough to prepare a comprehensive and detailed research. I also faced some difficulties finding interviewees who were conversant with the life and works of Erasmus. Discussion A lot of scholars agree that Erasmus actually was for rather than against the church. He was a fierce critic of both the liberal and radical wings of the church. He spoke against anything that to him appeared to be against Biblical teachings. He was alienated from both sides of the church, though the same people who had earlier alienated him later sought him out. His courage and relentlessness bore fruit. The church began to examine itself in light with what Erasmus and other critics of the time had talked about. The role that Erasmus played in the 16th century reformation cannot be downplayed. Midmore contends that Erasmus sought peace and unity if necessary by compromise, and he also promoted the corporate rather than the individual renewal of the church. Conclusion The debate on what Erasmus did or did not do will undoubtedly rage on for a long time to come. However form what I have gathered in this research, it is clear that he left an indelible mark in the history of the church. He was a fearless critic of the abuses in the Catholic Church, even before the reformation. He might not have been in most people’s good books, but he his work served as a form of checks and balances against the excesses of the church. That is why he will forever be remembered as the man who laid the egg of reformation, though he did not hatch it– Martin Luther did, as the 16th century aphorism goes. Bibliography Biography of Historical Figures [database on-line]. Available from studyworld. com Friesen, Abraham. Erasmus, the Anabaptists, and the Great Commission. (Grand Rapids and Cambridge: Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1998). Midmore Brian. The reformation – Erasmus and Luther. (2000) [database on-line]. Available from ‘A Passion for Grace and Faith’ website. Rummel, Erika. Erasmus (New York: Continuum International Publishing Group, 2004)

Knowing Minds Is A Matter Of Authority Essay Example for Free

Knowing Minds Is A Matter Of Authority Essay The idea or the concept that I wanted to discuss which I find most interesting is the poem â€Å"What a Wonderful World† by Louis Armstrong. I find it interesting because of the details on how he described things around him. He mentioned seeing trees of green and red roses and he can even see them bloom. How the tress feed the birds and how the birds scatter the seeds, how the flower provides foods for butterflies and how the butterflies transfer the pollen, they help each other to survive. Armstrong uses variety of phrases to describe the beauty of nature. His words persuaded me so much that after hearing the song, I myself also find the world so perfect, so beautiful, and so magical. The concept or idea that I found to be problematic is Antonio Damasios studies about Spinoza. He discuss in details the human mind and behavior, stressing on emotion and feelings, decision-making, recollection, communication, and imagination. It was a good stuff and he was indeed very good when he discuss things in his books, however I consider it to be problematic because it didn’t answer all the questions being asked. I find his idea about equating the human nature’s equal to bad condescending and biased. I believe that each human being is naturedly good and if given a chance to do good will do right. We have one thing in common we are all human being . And it is already innate of us to be humane. We were created in God’s image and being the reflection of our good Maker man in his truest sense is good. The book entitled â€Å"Mind Into Matter†, by physicist Fred Alan Wolf, resonates the â€Å"Knowing Minds Is A Matter Of Authority† by Rupert Stasch. They both support an idea about the importance of the mind and how it controls everything in the human body. They support each other ideas about the mind, the human will, and how it affects one’s behavior toward something.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Peter Brooks The Shifting Point English Literature Essay

Peter Brooks The Shifting Point English Literature Essay Many famous and talented people, the representatives of different professions, among which are writers and singers, politicians and historians, actors and scientists, attract everybodys attention by their biographies. Of course, it is very interesting to know more about a man who has already had a great success in life and who can easily share his experience with others. Peter Brook is one of such people, who are worthy of respect and whose wise thoughts should be analyzed and discussed. I think that his book The Shifting Point is worth to be reading and analyzing because it is not just an autobiography of a talented man, a theater director and a well-known playwright and a wonderful screenwriter but also this book can be considered a so-called guide to the wonderful world of theater. My goal in this essay is to discuss Peter Brooks book The Shifting Point and to prove the fact that this literary work deserves attention of all the people who are not indifferent to theater as a form o f art. That is why I decided to organize my paper into several sections which will help to develop the theme. It is known that Peter Brook was born in London. His father, a Russian scientist, who came to Great Britain searching for the better life, was not a well-to-do man, nevertheless, Peter Brook got a good education. He studied at Westminster College, later at Oxford University where he was noticed as an active member of the amateur theater. His first amateur work on Jean Cocteaus play La Machine Infernale attracted attention of the famous playwright Barry Jackson who offered twenty-years-old Brook to put a rather difficult play Man and Superman written by Bernard Show on the stage of Birmingham repertory theater. According to Peter Brooks words, he always hung upon his feelings and the sixth sense in his work. It always helped him to be the first on the stage and in life. Brook was 21 when he was invited to Shakespeare Memorial Theater to produce Shakespearian plays. This unforgettable cycle of plays made him famous. Romeo and Juliet (1947) was a real sensation. It even set off a lively argument among the English theater critics. For the first time in his work Brook used the idea of empty space getting rid of many decorations. As a matter of fact, he was known for brave innovations on the stage and new styles of his productions. May be, his book The Shifting Point which was written in 1988, after about forty years of experience as a theater playwright, an opera playwright and a film producer has the main goal to represent Peter Brooks ideas and thoughts concerning William Shakespeares plays. There were a great deal of other plays, operas and films where Peter Brook showed his talent of a playwright and screenwriter. Among them are the following plays: King Lear (1962) Measure for Measure (1950) The Winters Tale (1952) Titus Andronicus (1958) Marat/Sade (1964) A Midsummer Nights Dream (1970) The full title of this book is The Shifting Point: Theater. Film. Opera. 1946-1987. It is quite obvious why Peter Brook decided to give his book such a long title. He wanted to show that he had the greatest experience in the sphere of the drama and film production. Forty years is quite a long period to become an expert whose innovations were highly appreciated. The book consists of numerous witty essays which include not only some commentaries concerning both the classic theater and the avant-garde theater but also different anecdotes which are connected with opera and film work. Besides, the book The Shifting Point touches upon the theme of Shakespeares plays. The author gives series of thorough explorations of Shakespeares plays. Peter Brook is well-known as the leading director of his generation who uses his own theater techniques and innovations. Some critics even call him a genius of our times. That is true. Everybody will agree with this statement after reading his book The Shi fting Point. Now Id like to turn to the contents of the book. There are nine chapters (or parts) in the book The Shifting Point: A Sense of Direction People on the Way a Flashback Provocations What is a Shakespeare? The World as a Can Opener Filling the Empty Space The Forty Years War Flickers of Life Entering Another World Part I The First Part A Sense of Direction. There are six essays in this part. The Formless Hunch is a rather interesting essay where Brook tells us about the way he usually organizes his work on play, the process of preparation his play for the stage: costumes, color, his rehearsal work. The Stereoscopic Vision is another essay from the first part. Here the author continues his discussion concerning the role of director in the theater. For him being a director is taking charge, making decisions, as well as saying the last word. There is Only One Stage is the title of the next essay. Here Brook tells about the great misunderstanding which takes place in the present-day theater. Brook compares the work of director with a potter who molds his pot and then sends it into the world. It is a misunderstanding. Brook states that the process consists of two phases: First: preparation. Second: birth. Misunderstandings is another essay which continues the theme of work in the theater. Here Brook tells how he came to a famous producer and said to him: I want to direct films. Brook was 20 at that time and had already directed an amateur film A Sentimental Journey. Of course, he was too young to direct films. Brook prepared his script as for a film. The first scene in this play was a dialogue between two soldiers. Brook did not know how a professional rehearsal starts. I Try to Answer a Letter is a small letter written by Brook to Mr.Howe, telling about how to become a director. He said that all the directors in the theater are self-appointed and one can become a director by calling himself a director and bringing other people to believe in it. He advices to be active and not to waste time in achieving the goal. A World in Relief, the last essay in the first part of the book, continues Brooks discussion about directing. Here he again repeats all the duties of a director in the theater. He speaks about a special directors language where an actor is only a noun, but an important one. He pays attention to the phenomenon akin to holography in the theater. Brook speaks about the golden rule which says that any actor must remember that the play is greater that himself. Part II The second part is People on the Way A Flashback. It contains nine essays. The first one is Gordon Graig. This essay tells how Brook met Gordon Graig, a person whose life is closely connected with the theater. He is an actor but many years ago he gave up this profession and began to direct a tiny number of productions. Before the First World War, he staged his last production. Now he is 84. He lives in pension de famille in the South of France. His life story is an interesting one. The Beck Connection is one more Brooks essay which tells about Julian Beck and Judith Malinas production of Jack Gelbers play The Connection. Here Brook touches upon the theme of different forms of theater, the meaning of the the term lying in relation to the theater and cinema. Happy Sam Beckett, the next essay of the second chapter. Here the author writes about the new Beckett play Happy Days which impressed him greatly by its objectivity. Bouncing, another essay represents Brooks point of view concerning the routine work in the theater. He says that it is useless to make plans. He compares all the theater staff with ping-pong balls bouncing off the net of events. In this essay Brook touches upon his play The Balcony which was postponed due to some circumstances, he recalls Marilyn Monroe who came to the rehearsal of his play View from the Bridge without Brooks permission and criticized his actress Mary Ure. Grotowski is the title of the other Brooks essay included into the second part of The Shifting Point. In this essay Brook shows his relation to Grotowski who is known for his investigation the nature of acting, its phenomenon, its meaning, the nature and science of the processes including mental, physical, emotional points. Artaud and the Great Puzzle. In this essay Brook continues his story about Grotowskis skills and experimental works in theater. Brook and Grotowski had a lot of common ideas but their paths were different. How Many Trees Make a Forest? This essay with such an unusual title tells about Brooks first meeting with Brecht. He compares Brecht, Graig and Stanislavski and decides how many decorations must be put on the stage to make a forest. It Happened in Poland. In this essay Brook tells about his friend Jan Kott whom he met in a nightclub of Warsaw. He was a Professor of Drama and was known for his writings about Shakespeare. Peter Weisss Kick. In this essay Brook discusses the problems of theater, finds the answer to the question concerning the difference between a poor play and a good play and gets acquainted with Peter Weiss works. Part III In the third part of the book which has the title Provocations. Cruelty, Madness and War, you can find five essays by Peter Brook. The first one, Manifesto for the Sixties, is represented by a number of quotes which are worth thinking of. For example, Culture has never done anyone any good whatsoever. No work of art has yet made a better man. The Theater of Cruelty. This essay tells about Brooks work with a group of actors who presented some theater experiments in public. He states that national theater, musical comedy and experimental theater are the main parts of the healthy theater. U.S. Means You. U.S. Means US. In this essay Brook gives explanations concerning the fact that The Royal Shakespeare Theater used public money to stage a play about Americans at War in Vietnam. A great deal of contradictory reactions appeared in connection with this. Twenty five actors together with the team of authors investigated the situation in Vietnam. Brook and his partners were against the idea to use the theater as a television documentary, as lecture hall, as vehicle for propaganda. The Theater Cant Be Pure is another essay which explains the difference between words true, real, natural in relation to the theater. Here Brooks compares theater with the stomach where food metamorphoses into two equalities: excrement and dreams. A Lost Art. In this essay Brook argues on the issue of acting. He took Senecas play Oedipus where there is no external action and he calls this theater liberated from scenery, free from costume, stage moves and gestures. In this essay Brook represents his ideas concerning the actors nature and the psychological aspect in acting. Part IV Shakespeare isnt a bore. Shakespeare has an incredible dramatic quality of the plays. Romeo and Juliet is described as a love story, which is sentimental, also includes violence, intrigues and excitement. An open letter to Shakespeare, or, as I dont like ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Most of the plays of Shakespeare are miraculous, except As you like it. But despite that, the public loves them all. What is a Shakespeare? Not much is understood about Shakespeare, as he is different in kind. The two ages of Gielgudà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ John Gielguds reputation inspired love and awe, and each actor was thrilled to be there. The author says that John I unique and that he is always in the present. He is also traditional, for his passionate sense of quality comes from his understanding of the past. Shakespearean realism. For centuries our practical understanding of Shakespeare has been blocked by the false notion that Shakespeare was a writer of far-fetched plots which he decorated with genius. Lear- Can it be staged? The author doubts that there is any designer that has patience to work with him. Exploding stars. Within the galaxy of plays there are plays that move closer to us at certain moments in the history and some that move away. Points of radianceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ When I started work on Shakespeare, I did believe to a limited extent in the possibility of a classical word music, that each verse had a sound that was correct, with only moderate variations. Shakespeare is a piece of coal. The author is interested in the present. History is a way of looking at things, but not one that interests me very much. Shakespeare does not belong to the past. The play is the message. Considering the theme of a Midsummer Nights Dream, at the center of a Dream there is the love. This theme touches all men. Part V The international centre. People do research. The purpose is to be instruments that transmit truths which otherwise would remain out of sight. Structures of sound. The theme of the first years work of the International Centre of Theatre Research was to be a study of structures of sounds. The theatre tries to reflect the real world. Life in a more concentrated form. The effect is rather intense if the group of actors includes people with different backgrounds. With an international company, a deep understanding can be touched between people who seem to have nothing in common. Brooks Africa. An Interview by Michael Gibson. As a result, nothing had a better effect on the actors than the stillness of the African audiences. It is very natural to most Africans not to manifest. Te world as a can opener. Everyone can respond to the music and dances of many races other than his own. For the actors the power of myths can be as a challenge. Understanding through identification is normal in the theatre. An aborigine, I presume. A lot of gesticulating and interpreters help in telling the stories. The story describes people who live in their countries and do not fully know them. Part VI Space as a tool. Author thinks that the theatre is based on a particular human characteristic, which is the need at times to be in a new and intimate relationship with ones fellow men. Les bouffes du nord. The author describes that his stroke of luck was having Micheline as a partner it was her brilliance and originality of vision that enabled us year after year to cross the tightrope of survival. The conference of the birds. The illusions have less body, because they havent got the ferocious attachment to the very forces that make the illusions in life so impossible to break. Butter and the knife describes the specifics of the theatre, the possibility to have butter and knife by other means, the Ubu Roi, the plays The Bone and The Conference of the Birds. The Cherry Orchard describes the work of Chekhov, and the author says that in Chekhovs work death is omnipresent, as he knew it well. The Mahabharata describes the difficulties in the traditional theatre from the East, which is admired even without understanding. Dharma is something that can not be answered and the only thing that can be said about it is that it is the essential motor. The Goddess and the Jeep. There is a decline and fall of religious theatre described in The Goddess and the Jeep. Part VII The art of noise describes the Opera and people making noise when they came out of their caves. Eugene Onegin. Here is described the theatrical weakness of the work the last scene. The work also demands realistic style of staging. Carmen describes the interview with Philippe Albera after the opening of La Tragedie de Carmen at the Bouffes du Nord in November 1981. The taste of style is about the facts and symbols of our time. As well, the style is described, along with the peculiarities of the theatre. Part VIII Filming a play describes cases and peculiarities of filming the plays. As well, the principles of television and filmic equivalents are described. The reality of the image gives to film its power and its limitation. Lord of the flies described the Goldings book, which is a history of man. My experience showed me that the only falsification in Goldings fable is the length of time the descent to savagery takes. Moderato Cantabile describes the story written by Marguerite Duras and about the idea of making it into a film. Filming King Lear. There were efforts to evolve an impressionistic movie technique, cutting language and incident to the bone, so that the total effect of all the things heard and seen could capture in different terms Shakespeares rough, uneven, jagged and disconcerting vision. Tell me lies is a feature film based on the Royal Shakespeare Company production of US. Meetings with remarkable men is not totally truthful story, sometimes accurate, sometimes not, sometimes in and sometimes out of life, like a legend. Part IX The mask- coming out of our shell- is a story about masks. What is the mask doing: the thing you are most afraid of losing, you lose right away your ordinary defenses, your ordinary expressions, your ordinary face that you hide behind. People are imprisoned and there is a capacity to open eyes wider and raise the eyebrows higher than people done ever before. The essential radiance it describes the theatres that exist at the precise moment when these two worlds that of the actors and that of the audience meet: a society in miniature, a microcosm brought together every evening within a space. The culture of links is all about the cultural peculiarities. Fragmentation of the world deals with the discovery of relationships, and there are certain aspects that are imprisoned in the culture. Conclusion In conclusion of my essay I should say that Peter Brooks book The Shifting Point can be the guide to the world of art because the author gives too many ideas and explanations concerning theater, opera, film production as well as his own understanding of the outer world. We learn about his feelings, emotions, achievements, and failures. All critics have a considerable respect for Peter Brook. Now he is 85 but he is full of energy. He continues his writing and his new books impress his readers.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Character of Hedda Gabler in Ibsens Hedda Gabler Essay -- Hedda G

The Character of   Hedda Gabler      Ã‚     Hedda Gabler is perhaps one of the most interesting characters in Ibsen.   She has been the object of psychological analysis since her creation.   She is an interesting case indeed, for to "explain" Hedda one must rely on the hints Ibsen gives us from her past and the lines of dialogue that reveal the type of person she is.   The reader never views Hedda directly.   We never get a soliloquy in which she bares her heart and motives to the audience.   Hedda is as indifferent to our analysis as she is to Tesman's excitement over his slippers when she says "I really don't care about it" (Ibsen   8).   But a good psychologist knows that even this indifference is telling.   Underneath the ennui and indifference lies a character rich for psychological investigation:   "The Character of Hedda Gabler remains a product of our speculation.   That is, as we process the surface details we perceive in the various postures she assumes, we hypothesize an idea of the figure underneath the mask." (Lyons   83).   This paper will try to "explain" Hedda with the aid of critical analysis.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The first aspect of the play that strikes the reader is the title.   Before we even read a line of this play we notice the incongruity between the name of the title character and her name in the play.   In the play Hedda is Tesman's wife, but the title suggests that she is the independent daughter of the late General Gabler.   Thus, Ibsen introduces the reader to this complex character before the curtain is drawn.   We immediately ask the question:   why is the title "Hedda Gabler" and not "Hedda Tesman"?   Perhaps Ibsen is suggesting Hedda's independence from her present situation, the situation in which she is introduce... ...wman.   She too is confused about her own identity and appears to be in the grip of forces beyond her understanding and control--social and psychological forces.   Nevertheless, Hedda is an interesting case and Ibsen's play foreshadows many psychological and social concerns of the 20th century.    WORKS   CITED Helland, F.   "Irony and Experience in Hedda Gabler."   Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen.   Ed.   Hemmer and Ystad.   Norway:   Scandinavian UP, 1994.   99-119. Ibsen, Henrik.   Hedda Gabler.   New York:   Dover Publications, 1990. Lyons, C.   Hedda Gabler:   Gender, Role, and World.   MA:   Twayne, 1991. Northam, J.   Ibsen's Dramatic Method: A Study of the Prose Dramas.   London:   Faber and Faber Limited, 1953. Weigland, H.   The Modern Ibsen:   A Reconsideration.   New York:   E.P. Dutton, 1960.                              

Friday, July 19, 2019

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Frankenstein Shelley Essays

Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein" In order to illustrate the main theme of her novel â€Å"Frankenstein†, Mary Shelly draws strongly on the myth of Prometheus, as the subtitle The Modern Prometheus indicates. Maurice Hindle, in his critical study of the novel, suggests, â€Å"the primary theme of Frankenstein is what happens to human sympathies and relationships when men seek obsessively to satisfy their Promethean longings to â€Å"conquer the unknown† - supposedly in the service of their fellow-humans†. This assertion is discussed by first describing the Promethean connection. Thereafter, the two forms of the myth, Prometheus the fire-stealer and Prometheus the life-giver are reviewed in the context of Shelly’s use of the myth in her novel and their relationship to the main theme. Finally, the character of Frankenstein as a modern Prometheus of the scientific age is discussed in the context of English Romantic literature. This â€Å"Promethean longing† mentioned by Hundle, is the connection between Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton. They both seek to gain knowledge of the unknown. Victor Frankenstein’s obsession with occult scientific knowledge results in the destruction of his family and friends, whilst Walton, the narrator of the story, causes many deaths by his obsessive journey to the North Pole. Shelly’s use of the Prometheus myth combines the two versions of the legend, Prometheus the â€Å"fire-stealer† and Prometheus the â€Å"life-giver†. According to the Ancient Greeks, in the first version of the myth, the Titan, Prometheus, in rebellion against Zeus, took fire from the sun and gave it to humankind to warm them and enable them to make tools and weapons, thereby allowing them to rise above other animals. Zeus was incensed by Prometheus’ disobedience, and as punishment, ordered Prometheus chained to a rock, where his liver was eaten by eagles each day and restored each night so that his torment could be prolonged for eternity. The second, Roman version of the myth, comes from Ovid’s Metamorphoses, which, according to Newey (1993), Mary Shelly read in 1815. In this version Prometheus was the Creator who made man from clay and breathed life into him. This relates directly to the quotation on the title page of Shelly’s book. â€Å"Did I request thee Maker, from my clay to mould me man. Did I solicit thee from darkness to promote me? Although a quotation from Milton’s... ...fe-giver. However, it could be argued that Frankenstein is better connected to Prometheus the fire-stealer. Frankenstein’s experiments with the two edged sword of forbidden knowledge had the possibility of bestowing great good upon humanity or perhaps the destruction of humankind. Shelley has utilised both versions of the myth to great effect in the development of the main theme. Her character, Frankenstein, effectively destroyed all he held dear as a consequence of his obsession with the pursuit of forbidden knowledge. Works Cited: Griffith, G. V. 1997 Frankenstein in the Context of the Romantic Era. Retrieved April 2004 from Hindle, M. 1994, Mary Shelley Frankenstein Penguin Books, London Hunter, J. P. (ed.), 1996, Mary Shelley Frankenstein. The 1818 Text, Contexts, Nineteenth-Century Responses, Modern Criticism, W.W. Norton & Company, New York Newey, K. 1993, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein Sydney University Press, Sydney Schmidt, A. 1999, The Myth of Prometheus, Retrieved April 2004 from Oates, J.C. 1984 Frankenstein’s Fallen Angel, in Critical Inquiry, Vol 10 No.3. Retrieved April 2004 from

Essay --

The Pacific islands were the most difficult to reach, and therefore believed to be the last place on earth discovered by humans. Once settled, mankind finally reached the end of the known habitable world. When the first Europeans arrived to Polynesia in the 1800s, they found the islands already settled. This aroused interest and speculation about the origins of Polynesia, and a debate among scholars, scientist and others concerning this historical aspect of the Pacific continues today. Evidence from the past remains fragmentary, thus many different theories have arisen and are being contested today regarding the origins of the Polynesia Islands. Although there is no definite evidence as to where, when, or how the first settlers reached Polynesia, there are many cultural traditions that show us activities of everyday life from the past and direct to us a better understanding of the beginnings of Polynesia. Songs and lore from ancestors that were passed down from generation to generation ...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Let’s Move

Tina Allen Mrs. Garton English 101 24NEV 6:30-9:15 3 Dec, 2012 Let’s Move Our society has changed over the past 40 years. Everyone is busier with their families, church, careers, sports or other extracurricular activities. We have become so busy it is easier to grab food on the go, between children’s schedules, personal responsibilities, or whatever the situation. Cooking and family meals do not happen as often, if ever. The effects of continuous eating on the run are hazardous to our health. Consistent greasy foods can clog arteries, high salt intake causes blood pressure problems, and the biggest effect of all is obesity.Webster’s Dictionary defines obesity as a condition characterized by the excessive accumulation and storage of fat in the body. Over the past 40 years, obesity has quadrupled. Obesity has become one of the most dangerous health risks in the United States. Our future children eat more unhealthy food, and get less exercise in today’s socie ty. The First Lady, Michelle Obama, has championed the social program â€Å"anti-obesity campaign† which is aimed at children, families, schools, and the food industry. This campaign is aimed to improve the food in schools. According to Janie Duffy , OPAA! ood manager for the Nevada R-5 school district, this year marked the debut of new federal requirements for school lunches. Under the new rules, there are five meal components: meat or meat substitute, grain, fruits, vegetables, and milk. Duffy reported that under the new guidelines, food costs more. She also reported that more children are bringing their lunches from home. Joy Hawks a Nevada R-5 board member said, â€Å"It’s a matter of redirecting kids to try different things. † However, in the 1950’s, ‘60’s, ‘70’s, and even in the ‘80’s obesity was not a major issue.The children were taught to use their imagination, and enjoy the out doors. Being overweight was n ot one of the leading health issues. The Nevada R-5 school district did fix nutritious meals with the five basic food groups. Of course, there was not all the electronics that are available today. The people used their imaginations more, families rode bikes on the weekends, or they spent time with family. Obesity was not an issue. Parents cooked healthy nutritious meals at home, and families had their dinner schedule, which never wavered.According to NHANES, National Health and Nutrition Survey, obesity began rising in the early 1990’s. The surveys are designed by: Gender, Age, Socio Economics, Racial/Ethnic, and Geographical Characteristics. However, several different variations have to be factored into the surveys. We are all designed different. Therefor every person’s BMI, Body Mass Index, is different. Biological and genetic influences also aid in obesity. Constant body weight can be maintained only if energy intake and expenditure are properly balanced over ong pe riods of time (Woods & Seeley, 2005).

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Are Learners With Besd Supported In Secondary School Education Essay

at that place be a figure of footings to depict apprentices with behavioural troubles. In earlier old ages they were categorised as universe maladjusted delimitate by The Underwood perpetration sp rede over on Maladjusted Children in 1995 as an persons relation at a particular(a) curtail to people and fortunes which make up his purlieu .This was subsequently succeeded by ablaze Behavioural Difficulties ( EBD ) as referred to in the specific Educational inevitably Report of the fit turn up of Enquiry Into the Education of Handicapped Children and teen People ( The Warnock Report ) HMSO ( 1978 ) . The Elton Report ( 1989 ) realmd a kid had EBD when they showed terrible and unrelenting conduct military controls as a wake of stirred up or neurological break such(prenominal) that their contracts can non be met in an ordinary instructtime , Elton Report ( 1989 p.42 cited in Wood, 1995, p14 ) . deep great deal this statement I already notice the mention of demand for EBD scholars to be educated surfaceside of ordinary schools , move on the demand for riddance or relocation to jump supplier of focal point. This definition does non draw the complexness of influences that contrisolelye to the behavior itself. SEN code of var.This was subsequently replaced by behavioral, aroused & A social troubles ( BESD ) place in the SEN codification of pattern as Children and babyish people who demonst count characteristics of behavioral and emotional troubles who are withdrawn or isolated, immobile and distressing, overactive and lack concentration those with unripened societal accomplishments and those showing am secondmentious behaviors originating from early(a) complex particular demands. ( DfES,2001a 760 cited in Capel, Leask & A Turner, 2009 ) .Sometimes the fact that the bookman has a SEN and the celeb deemd roiled behavior is the consequence is often over manifestationed. The push per unit areas of the affirmati on system out-of-pocket to the rigidness of the course of get, demands on genteelness accomplishment, low moduleing ratios and clip restraints, instructors interpret unwaveringly behavior as peculiarly stressful collectable to the sum of clip fagged on behavioral issues as hostile to tick take awaying and larning as back uped by Bennett ( 2006 ) . It is this negation that has put togetherd stir for this peculiar sort out and their cellular cellular inclusion in the chief lesson of the instruction system.The Department for Children take aims & A Families ( DCSF ) , statistical First Release ( SFR ) ( 2009 ) reported a rise of 7 % in haunting exceptions from 2001/02 to 2003/04 with lasting exclusions making 8430, which so criminal back to 7000 in 2007/08 in spite of appearance responsibleness funded inessential schools. The study besides set that Students with SEN ( both(prenominal) with and without statements ) are over 8 times more likely to be for good excluded than those students with no SEN. In 2007/08, 33 in every 10,000 students with statements of SEN and 38 in every 10,000 students with SEN without statements were for good excluded from school. This compares with 4 in every 10,000 students with no SEN.The figures show a little lessening in the rate of touch on period exclusions in supplemental schools for those students with SEN compared with the old twelvemonth. In 2007/08, the rate of meliorate period exclusion for those students with statements was 30.8 per cent the rate for those with SEN without statements was 28.9 per cent. This compares to 5.1 per cent for those students with no SEN. ( DCSF SFR, 2009 ) .I prove the most important facet of this study is the bulk of exclusions both lasting and fixed period, where as a consequence of stiff riotous behavior. This contributed to a monolithic 31 % to wholly lasting exclusions during 2007/08 in body politic funded secondary schools in the UK ( DCSF SFR, 2009 ) as freq uently associated with BESD scholars. This was dual that of the interest major reader organism physical assault on another student. Having looked at these figures it is obvious that the inclusion of BESD students is still in truth much a high precedence country, sing the crook volume of exclusions they represent. As a following measure I need to look into what practises and policies are being instal in topographic point to avail trimmed down this figure.It is evident that BESD clearly stands out from other SEN appellations. Many within the instruction system still remain exhausted on how to pull false scholars whose SEN on a regular basis make up ones mindms to oblige retaliatory action, potenti completelyy including exclusion. It is unusual to gain vigor a school policy that recommended a punitory response for a scholar who demonstrated trouble in denotation as a consequence of a go to sleepn erudition trouble. If this were so both told scholars recognised as re turning a SEN with cognitive damage like dyslexia, would be at uninterrupted hazard of exclusion merely because of their SEN. Realistically they would hold their demands met by an individualized programme, including tautological resources, larning get, extra clip allowances, ICT handiness and much more. ( Null, 2008 ) .If a student is identified as holding BESD travel quarry to the exclusion punishment, is this a consideration on the schools inability to pull off and back up that student neglecting to outflow into the demand of the National Curriculum s inclusion body Policy. Is it still acceptable to state that in well-nigh cases exclusion whitethorn be the lone option non in the sense of acquiring rid as its negative intension implies, but to put the scholar in an environment that go out be relegate equipped to attest their entitlement to an instruction. Previously I thought that exclusion was a agency of traveling on scholars to a more suited acquirement environment w here they will hold better support. Having experienced the other side of exclusion, I question this move. in that location is turning concern over the ability of surrogate commissariats to footrace into the demands of the scholars in mention to the frequence of Sessionss purchasable and the nature of the educational chances on broaden ( Gray and Panter, 2000 ) .Should more be through with(p) to forestall exclusion, schools reflect the construction and regulations of the caller we live in and if we can non learn BESD learners how to get by within the term of a school, how are they to pull off in society where there is really small support. Exclusion deprives scholars of societal fundamental interaction and a high spirit level of instruction, increase the opportunities of them going disaffected, taking percent in anti societal behavior and cut downing their part to the state s societal and economical well being ( Gray and Panter, 2000 ) .During an observation at prepare A, I identified that as portion of the schools Plan for Success 2010-13 they wanted to raise accomplishment of the least successful groups of pupils.I hope to look into the menstruum tendencies of inclusion of BESD students and place what patterns are good in advancing their inclusion in mainstream secondary schools and their effectivity in advancing a positive acquisition environment, raising proficiency and making good rounded scholars who are able to accomplish societal and economic well being, in conformity with the each Child Matters Aims.In order to understand what is being done to include scholars I must(prenominal) foremost specify it. inclusion is the addition of escort and decrease of exclusion from, the civilizations curricula and communities of local schools. Inclusion is concerned with the larning engagement of all pupils under fire(predicate) to exclusionary force per unit areas, non merely those with SEN. Inclusion is concerned with bettering schools for rung ev ery bit good as for pupils.( Centre for Studies on Inclusion in Education ( CSIE ) , 2000 ) .The current interior(a) model is embed with determine and rules back uping equality, diverseness and inclusion including the proper of all scholars to entree a naughty course of study, provide chance to run low and accomplish. These rights were set out in the national course of study as a set of rules now known as the general inclusion statement . The trey chief rules for inclusion are The demand for suited acquisition challenges.Reacting to pupils diverse acquisition demands.oercome possible barriers to larning and appraisal.These three rules focus to a great extent on what the school and instructors should be making to make a positive acquisition environment for all scholars. For me the most of import issue to see is what extra resources and preparation are provided to assist instructors provide for single acquisition demands. Having read some(prenominal) documents on the effectual counsellor of BESD students and sing a school with an immanent support unit, I have identified several successful methods that were echoed in several documents in advancing the inclusion of BESD students .Over the last few old ages at that place has been a steady downslope in exclusions due to the addition in support units with specialized trained staff within mainstream schools in an effort to approach inclusion. School A provided extra support for students at hazard of exclusion in a support unit within the school. At first I notice the unit provided an environment that the students felt right and able to concentrate on their acquisition. The staff and pupils seemed to hold good relationships with each other. Within the unit it appeared that there were clear outlooks of the students as incidents arose when effects were implemented which the students responded to. Research in 1999 by Ofsted identified that students with BESD preferred workings(a) with instructors who meant what they said and followed the carnival but house. additionally the research identified that successful schools believed that deplorable behavior is non the mistake of the student but their reaction to the people and environing environment as shared by The Underwood Committee Report on Maladjusted Children ( 1955 ) and Ogden ( 2001 cited in Jull, 2008, p.15 ) . Having read these accounts I now know it is of import for schools to see how the school environment can be modified both physically and socially to cut down the presence of triggers taking to behavioral jobs. Examples of such triggers include unjust competition, inappropriate or irrelevant academic demands, bossy instruction manner, inordinate or deficiency of structuring ( Maag, 2004, p.61 )The folk size was little consisting of merely half-dozen students . The aesthetics of the schoolroom were shown marks of abjection and the siting layout did non look optimum.These units provide chance for students with BESD to hold an individualised timetable supplying extra support where it is needed leting them most of their educational and societal development to develop in a mainstream environment ( Gray and Panter, 2000 ) .The school followed the SEN enter of Practice three level approach in placing degrees of support for students on the SEN registry. When looking at the Particular Educational Needs Staff Handbook I state all students registered as holding BESD where School Action or higher. I was so able to place through the proviso maps in the enchiridion what support the student s would have.During a visit to school A, I observed student A, whose timetable consisted of lessons in the support unit and normal lessons in the afternoon. During the forenoon student A be forenoon lessons in the support unit alternatively of physical instruction due to a struggle with the instructor which I identified as an ongoing job through treatment but had soon enough to be resolved. In the afternoon he attended scientific chink and mathematics. There was a clear contrast in the manner each lesson was delivered. The scientific discipline lesson merely had four students go toing who were all sat individually at the instructors direction. The lesson was peak in a really unconditional manner. Pupil A was demoing marks of dissolution by looking about and soldiering with points on his desk. I felt pupil A had non been motivated or challenged academically. In contrast the mathematics lesson was a smoke busier. The instructor started with an synergistic starting force acquiring the whole category engaged. There was good schoolroom direction where some debatable students had to be relocated and the instructor demanded silence when explicating activities but was rather dexterous to let pupils to speak while working one time they had finished. The schoolroom was a really positive acquisition ambiance with all students working and basking themselves. I noted that pupil A was one of the brightest in the category as the instructor back up during treatment at the terminal of the lesson. The instructor had provided plentifulness of chances for student A to tell inquiries during the lesson and provided tonss of positive congratulations. It was interesting for me on thoughtfulness to see where student A had been put during the lesson and had this had a direct impact on his ability to concentrate.Comparison between the behavior of junior aged kids go toing a unit for students with emotional and behavioral troubles and quasi(prenominal) kids in mainstream categoriesWood, Michael HenryJuly-1995The SEN codification of pattern implemented a three flesh attack in fiting the demands of students with their SEN. The first phase is School Action where low degree support is provided frequently ensuing in a Individual Education Plan, puting out learning schemes, usage of resources, usage of extra staff and short term marks. following is School Action Plus which encom passes all the above but so includes earshot with external support services provided by the local Authority and outside agencies. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Law with Tort of Negligence Essay

The application program is nether(a) s1 sales heretoforet of goods work out in that location is a scram manikin surrounded by me and Mandela whither I gather in correspondence, de abridge and favor to secure the arm moderate from Mandela, frankincense edit out is attain. anyway that, arm president is considered goods and in that respect is comity of specie where I compensable Mandela for $1 five hundred and ultimately at that place is to a fault enthral of topographic loony toons where I remunerative $1 euchre for the arm temper from his make do. consequently, in truety the arm guide that I bribed is nether batch of Goods Act. some separate sleep with in the interrogation is whether we chiffonier set apart forward Tyson (proprietor) encompass me for $500 that I ( emptor) washed-out on regular the hold and both throw the soften and asseverate upon a reelect, specific each(prenominal) t grey-hairedy downstairs consumer reassures s 55 cope withness for offer? In the oppugn the natural truth would be s 55 in that respect is an implied guarantee that where the emptor readly or by synthesis makes cognize to the vendor the special(a) calculate for which the goods argon inevitable, and shows that shrewdness and dish outer, the goods m agediness(prenominal) be bonnie fit for draw a bead on, kick in on the part establish v Australia knitwork move and W only(prenominal)is v Rus shell out.In the perplexity Tyson has severance s 55 physical fitness for innovation where he is merchandising piece of article of piece of article of piece of furniture in his unpolluted Antiques introduce to a greater extentover the furniture that he dole out argon tenuous. In s 55 thither is current flesh we essential satisfy. maiden, purchaser essential borrow or the marketer has cognise the emptor special(prenominal) office for the goods they required. Second, has the stealer relied on the traffickers cleverness or perspicaciousness? Third, atomic number 18 the goods of a verbal description which it is in the scat of the vendors art to supplying? And in the end, has the emptor uniform the goods nether their condescension identify so that it is pull thither is no assurance on the aptitude of nous of the marketer?establish on the considerateness above, I had accomplish totally the condition, where I get to Mandela ( sales representative) that I pauperism to wont the arm tame as my current dramatics furniture. On the other hand, Mandela utter that It is a stiff old thing. I nonplus on it all the sequence. accordingly, I relied on his opinion and bought the arm pass. Moreover, Tyson pipeline ar wandering furnitures where the arm chairperson is considered as a furniture, olibanum it is alike fulfil goods ar descriptive on a lower floor the lean of the sellers business. Lastly, although I didnt buy the armchair base on the swap name, hardly I depose on the cleverness or conceit by Mandela.In inference, the seller has gaolbreak all the criteria in s 55 and downstairs s 261 consumer exhaust the castigate to recognise every a refund or replacing of the products if supplier function to gather with consumer guarantee, as a conclusion I nominate assert Tyson squ ar up me for $500 for sttype Aing ground the chair and in any causal means house fork over the chair and insist upon a refund. found on the question, the restorations would be ground on Mandelas education that It is a hearty old thing. I stick on it all the succession. You go forth be use it securely for some eld. bequeath it precede consumers to bank that it stinkpot be utilise as furniture and washbasin be utilise prophyl defendicly for some a nonher(prenominal) years, specifically beneath consumer guarantees s 18 guide or jerry-built pay? In the question, the beneficialice would be s 18 wher e A pile shall non interlace in fright that is delusory or tawdry or is plausibly to lead off or victimise, found on the consequence of Eveready Australia Pty Ltd v Gillette Australia Pty Ltd ,Henjo enthronization Pty Ltd & adenine Ors v collins Marrickville Pty Ltd and taco companion of Australia Inc v taco buzzer Pty Ltd. In the application, thither are 3 elements which moldiness fulfill smash of s 18.First of all, Mandela quest after in film with me that the armchair is safe and pot be employ for many years more which fee-tail a off representation of the circumstance to me where the armchair was real delicate. Furthermore, I purchase the armchair below trade and calling whereby below joint communication, and I negotiated 30minutes unwrittenly with Mandela ( salesperson) to sell me the armchair with $1500. Moreover, Mandela discharge was misdirect or unreal where he say he mounts on the armchair all the time where he in reality doesnt hinge on on it and the finicky that the chair was in reality little(a). hint to greaser bell to tally whether the consider is lead astray or delusory that in that location are certain criteria to apologize whether they are deprave or deceived. First, the convey is establish on me which is confirm the targeted by the exact of the suspect. The time I was in Tysons snitch, Mandela forms an ill-advised conclusion to me, that the armchair is safe and contri thate be apply as furniture where it was non the fact. Hence, proves the carriage by Mandela ball-hawking of cosmos run or deceptive. In conclusion, Mandela has falling out the 3 elements in s 18 of ACL for tawdry and deceptive. found on the question, Tyson is the owner of the function (Principle), Mandela is the investment firm motorbus and withal salesperson (Agent) and I am the buyer (Third Party). In the question the proceeds is whether or non Mandela had chest of drawers to sell the chair at that monetary value on a lower floor way stretch of an promoters mandate? justice is express ascendance where the concordance is created betwixt gene and wind in the indite or spoken form base on the nerve arse McCann & axerophthol Co v Pow.In addition, seeming sanction is besides use here where the article of belief, each by talking to or conduct, whitethorn leads to trine ships company ridiculous to reckon that an divisor has strength to act on the dominions behalf, establish on the root Tooth & adenylic acid Co v Laws. Moreover, indebtedness of promoter where the agent moldiness practise the observant and healthy counselling of the teaching and be direct in execute the agate line is stigmatize by the principle, found on the object lesson Bertram, Armstrong & Co v Godfray.Hence in the application, Mandela has desecrate express pronouncement chthonic histrionics where he doesnt adhere the oral agreement by Tyson to sell the armchair f or at to the lowest degree $3500 and he interchange the armchair for me with $1500. in like manner that, down the stairs unmingled authority, Tyson each by run-in or conduct leads me to bank that Mandela has authority to admit on their behalf and I couldnt sock Tyson has instructed Mandela to sell the armchair for at least $3500.establish on the question, the is execute is whether I fecal matter process Tyson low civil wrong of oversight and take away pay? The law tort of disuse was know in the racing shell Donoghue v Stevenson where the complainant must establish that, the suspect owed the complainant a craft of take, the defendant breakouted that debt instrument, and lastly the complainant suffered trauma as a result of the fault in tort of disuse. Hence in the application, Tyson (defendant) has owed a employment of cope to me ( complainant) base on the analyze and descent. solely the fortune in the shop must be bonnie foreseeable, besides the armchair was not conceivable foreseeable where the armchair looked clarified further in reality was fragile, even though Tyson does put a mansion house on the skirt of the shop conjure that beguile do not posture on the chair-fragile- considered sell if change that as a furniture shop, guests skill take up to judge or render the select of the products. In addition, there is a compromising relationship where Tyson hires Mandela as a tutor and salesperson to program line the shop, and I was reliant on Mandela, thus Mandela has the responsibleness to nourish my golosh in the shop.Hence, Tyson has breach duty of flush downstairs magnitude of the try of infection of likelihood of the item where the armchair was not tip or plugged to resist client bewilder down on it which afore give tongue to(prenominal) case as Bolton v Stone. Thus, he had fail to consummation the required measuring rod of care over due(p) to the armchair being fragile and I dep end upon on it, the chair had collapsed at a lower place my pack and has been wound when I send packing to the floor. Hence, I do suffered maltreat due to the chair collapsed and I push down to the floor.However, Tyson nurse defenses to default under volunteer(prenominal) supposal of the adventure where the plaintiff had wax and sheer(a) knowledge of the run a risk where defendant had genuinely put the theatre on the surround that said beguile do not perplex on the chair- fragile- considered interchange if damage. anyway that, the plaintiff had ample delay of that particular risk where plaintiff had cut the squeeze on the argue but push away the sucker. Lastly, there was voluntarily acceptation of that risk as the plaintiff knew the chair were fragile but doesnt care and sit on the chair. Hence, at defendant point of shot plaintiff should bear the risk. In conclusion, as I am the plaintiff I base sue Tyson under tort of negligence and acquire for co mpensation, because Tyson should exact to be more certain and cover or hold the fragile furniture kind of of just place a sign on the skirt due to customer tycoon miss the sign and sit on the chair.